Saturday, January 1, 2011

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just want to begin by saying how good it is to be in the hands of a God who knows all....and sees all. A God who knows everything about me and has a perfect path laid out for me. Who orchastrates every detail and only wants whats best for me. At times I wonder how could a God so great...could even look upon such a sinner? And He reminds me that He loves me just the way I am...and refines me everyday. I just have to be willing to surrender those sinful ways and let Him lead me. As I sit here...listening to the noises of nature all around me...the gentle morning breeze blowing throw my open windows...I sit in awe of a Lord who surrounds me with such splendor! I serve a God who is greater...stronger...higher than any other! Who turned water to wine...opened the eyes of the blind...there is No God like My God! (just a few lyrics from one of my favorite choruses) I pondered this morning the line...opened the eyes of the blind. Jesus literally did open the eyes of the blind...but as I sat and thought about how awesome this miracle even more awesome that He is still in the business of opening the eyes of the blind today. We don't those before us did...blind men seeing...or do we? I am convinced that even though we read about this miracle in the Bible...God knew that today we would be seeing this miracle performed in a very different way. We are living in a world where there are those walking blind in a fleshly way. People who have no respect for each other and who live with situational ethics. They are in desparate need of a healing that only comes from the Lord. A opening the eyes of the blind kind of miracle. The kind of miracle that only God can perform and it begins in the heart. I pray for our country...and those all over the world who need the Lord. Who need His direction...and to see why it is important to live by HIS standards! Every single day we pass by people who are hurting...who are lost...and need the Lord. It is our duty to share His's what we are called to do. To share Jesus in a world where the wrong seems empty generation that needs to be filled with God's love. Remember the old song...It only takes a spark to get a fire going....I pray for the Lord to ignite a fire in His people that cannot be put out! Join me in praying for God's Holy fire to ignite a nation!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Preparing Him for the other woman.....

You know there are so many days in my life where I seems to be running circles trying to get everyone where they need to go...and getting everything they need so they are fully prepared. I asked myself the other day after reading one of my favorites authors on raising boys. She reminded me that I am not the only the mother of these three little boys...but I am raising someones future husband. that is SERIOUS! As I stopped and pondered this thought it soon occurred to me that to make my boys the best husbands...I need to remember that making them responsible for the things they need...for having them make their plates...clean their clothes...put away their dishes...I helping them learn how to be great husbands. Tate seems to be the easiest to convince at this point in time. He was born wanting to take care of look nice...and to help out, from the start. Jake and Drew, however, don't see why living this way would be so important. They have so many other important things they don't need to be bothered with this sort of thing right now. You know baseball is something that a young boy should not be expected to put away just to clean up their room....or brush their is summer for goodness sake! All I know is that I have an enormous task ahead of me and God does promise me that he will not give me more than I can handle....though at times I feel a little overwhelmed! He has me mother these three little gentlemen and I don't take my responsibilities lightly. I thank the Lord for trusting me...but for never leaving me when I am such an inadequate individual. So many times I fail...still his goodness and mercy remain. Thank you Lord for my boys....I pray for them so hard...and I know you began a good work in them and it will not be complete until the day of Christs return. Help me remember that they are just little boys...who need gentle reminders every now and again...and that they will be just fine! I pray for those young ladies out there whom you have chosen to be a part of our family someday....those you are preparing perfectly for my little guys to love and cherish! How great is our God...who is the same yesterday today and forever! Who knows every intricate detail of our lives and orchestrates it perfectly!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

God is Love....

Just want to say that I am so blessed in my life that I have a God who sees a bigger picture than I can even imagine. I put my full trust in Him...and pray that I am always doing my best to glorify Him...and lift up those around me. To remember that it is not about me....but about the one who gave this life to me. And when life seems to take me down a path that seems out of the loop with the rest of the remember that I am not like the world. I am called to something higher and God deserves my best...and my complete trust. My life is in His hands and I am safe in His arms. Know today that you are too! Was listening to the radio yesterday about and a woman who struggled with alcholism and thought that she wasn't worthy of what she called "a good life." She had searched for peace...for joy...for love...and felt she had no way of finding it. She found temporary comfort in alcohol. As she began to spiral downward in her addiction...heading down a path that lead to destruction in her life...she felt something pulling her to the church she had attended as a child. She said she found herself there one evening...and the only one in the church at the time was the janitor. He was working trying to get things ready for Sunday worship when this strange woman came up and began asking him questions. She said His first question to her was "Do you know Jesus?" Though she knew who He was....she didn't "know" Him. That night in that little church she asked Jesus into her heart and has never been the same. She said at the moment she asked Him to be the Lord of her life...she was immediatley delivered from her addiction. That when she put her full trust in Him...she was so filled with His spirit she had no desire to be filled any other way. She has lived an alcohol free life since that moment and now talks about her struggles to help those seeking that same love she sought so long ago. Her comment was that there is no other way to have the peace, love, and joy she has without knowing Jesus Christ. He is the only way! God has us go through certain struggles...trials in life to help us connect with each other. It is our job to uplift each love each other. We serve a jealous God who wants our time and our attention...and if we are putting anything before Him...He dosen't completely have us...and cannot fully use us! I pray today that I am a vessel that puts my whole life in His hands...that He can use me to glorify His kingdom! Even though I don't struggle with alcohol or anything of that nature, I have my own addictions....we all do...and they need to be given to God so He has our complete life! We never know who God is going to put in our path....just like the janitor in the story. We have to be ready to share the good news of Jesus Christ...and how He works in our ordinary lives. That He is the one who takes our life and makes it something special...something unique! We are all sinners in need of a Savior...I am so thankful I know Him...and that He set me free! God Bless you today wherever you are....and know that you can experience His love....His Joy....and His is there for you! If you are reading this today....hug the person/persons you are with and tell them how much you love them...everyone needs to hear they are loved! God is love!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Let the games begin....

Well baseball season is here...and we are off and running! Our family as you all know LOVES baseball...and have been so excited for the games to begin. This last weekend the boys played in a tournament and as I was walking from field to field watching all of the games that had Stockton kids playing...I couldn't help but take in all of the sights and sounds and smells all around me. There were siblings playing a pick up games....mommies laughing and sharing stories with each other...dads talking baseball....and of course 7 fields of baseball boys and girls going head to head trying to come out on top and in the end play the championship game! I love it! And I can't forget the smells.... hot dogs....popcorn....nachos....three of the main staples at a ball field. My kids of course think I'm the meanest mom in the world not letting them spend a dime in the concession stand. I might like the nostalgic smells the field has to offer...but not the health and money hazzards they provide. They will just have to get used to the idea of grapes, apples, string cheese, licorice whips, Slim Jims and cheez its hitting the spot for years to come! As I was taking all of this in, I couldn't help but see what wonderful opportunities the Lord presents at ballgames to share His goodness with those around us. I see Him everywhere. In the beauty of the Earth He blesses us words spoken in public or private...God is alive in a world seeking to find hope. I believe that the Lord places us right where we are supposed to be and it is our job to take hold of every opportunity to share His love with those we meet. His good news is what the world needs. His hope...His love....His peace. It is our job to be His hands and His feet here on Earth. God is so good...and His love is endures forever!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My shot....

I am sitting in my living room watching little snow flurries fall to the ground, the sound of my dishwasher starting the rinse cycle, and my dryer buzzing telling my it's time to start another load of laundry. Not to much going on this afternoon, my mom took the boys to the gymnasium to shoot some hoops so I am sitting here all alone enjoying the sounds of my home. I love days where the only thing I have on my agenda is laundry and running the dishwasher. I am positive there are probably other things I need on my list ....but I will feel good if I just have these two things done for today. There are things that run through my mind from time to time that just make me stop and think about the difference I am making in this life. There was a song on the radio today and I have heard it so many times before but today the lyrics have stayed in my head and I have meditated on them throughout the day. The words were "you only have just one time only get one shot at this." Wow, did those words make me stop and think about my life and how I am here to make a difference for Christ and what am I doing with this "shot" I have. The Lord calls us to be a light in this world that has so much darkness. As the scripture says "no one lights a lamp to cover it up...they put it on a stand to light the we should let our light shine before they see our good deeds and glorify the Father in Heaven." I ask myself...does the world look at me...and see me? Or do they look at me and see my Father? I pray that this shot I have in this life is lived well. That even through my faults and failures...God works good so that He is glorified in everything I do. I have recently been challenged to take my walk with my God to a new level. To step out and do some things that in my own flesh I would fall on my face...but through my Lord I can stand and walk tall knowing He is in control, not me. I am so thankful today that I have a God who can take me, this weak individual, and make me a strong vessel. He is my strong tower, a fortress when I'm weak, beautiful and mighty, my everlasting King! Praise Him today! Let the Lord be your guide and show you great and mighty things! Be challenged today.....ask yourself what you are doing with this shot at life....I know I have been challenged in a mighty way and I pray that I live a life that glorifies my God!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Home.....

I was so excited yesterday knowing David, my love, my best friend, my parenting partner, was coming home from hunting the great outdoors in Kansas. You would have thought that he had been gone for weeks, but in all actuality he had only been gone 4 nights. I know what you're thinking...and yes you're right....the trip is short and I should just deal with it. There are so many women who's husbands leave for months at a time, so my 4 nights alone, when I'm not actually alone isn't much to have a pity party over. My boys keep me company and we have a great time, but it's just not the same when David's away. After church yesterday the texting began...he started with how are the roads?....and from then on it was back and forth until the last text came in saying he was eight minutes from home!! The countdown began...the boys watched the clock and would give a minute by minute update on when the truck would pull into the circle drive out front! When we saw the first sign of headlights pulling into the drive, Drew threw open the window in the livingroom and all three boys and I shouted "Hi Daddy!" The race was on for Jake to see how fast he could put on his boots, coat, gloves, and ear muffs and help his daddy in the door. I love to see them run to their dad, put their arms around him and squeeze with all they have. It warms my heart, and gets him ready for the big hug and kiss coming from me! As David took off his coat and boots and settled in next to me on the couch, the first thing out of his mouth was, "I had a great time, but I'm so happy to be sitting here, on this couch, next to you, listening to the boys. It feels so good." This morning as I thought about David's homecoming I began to think about how the Lord must feel when one of His children comes home. There are so many reasons a child of God leaves home for a while. All the time they are gone, He misses the conversations, He misses the relationship that is gone. He longs for them to come home. He anxiously awaits their arrival, and greets them when the day finally arrives. It dosen't matter how long or how short the trip, He is equally as excited for the lost to make it home to Him. I am so comforted knowing that when I stumble and fall, or I get off course for a while, He is there to pick me up and steer me back on the path He has so perfectly laid out for me. He is there to greet me and say "Welcome Home." He loves us...oh How He loves us...oh how He loves us...How He loves us so! Remember everyday how much the Lord loves you, and how He wants us to have a deep relationship with Him, but it doesn't stop there. We have to know His word, and meditate on it so that we know just what He expects from us, and in knowing that, the relationship we can have with Him is that much sweeter. Just like we as parents want our children to know what we expect out of them, when they do and obey our relationship is that much sweeter with them too! I learn so much about God's love as I parent my boys. Thank you Lord for welcoming me home time and time again and for never giving up on me!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Perfect God.....

I love music, and one of my favorite artists is Natalie Grant. She has a new single out called Perfect People, and I would have to say that the words of this song are so good. It talks about how in life we never want people to see us when were down and things aren't going so good. We want the world to see that we have it all together. I am not ashamed of the imperfections that are so evident in my life. I am a work in progress, with such a steep hill ahead, but I'm chugging along! As I was looking at some of the posts I had over the past year, I realize that even when things haven't been the easiest in my life, the Lord is right there making it okay. He's awesome like that! In this song Natalie sings there's no such thing as perfect people, there's no such thing as a perfect life, so come as you are, broken and scarred, lift up your heart, be amazed, be changed by a Perfect God. I am so far from perfect but when I rely on my God, a weight is lifted and I am amazed at how He can take my imperfect life, and give me perfect life through Him. When the world says you have to have it all together I am reminded that He lived and died to heal my imperfections.... and I don't have to come to Him in a perfect little package. He is an awesome God, and wants me just the way I am. As I was thinking about some of my New Year's Resolutions today....I would say the one that is at the top of my list is spending more time with my nose in the word of God. There are so many things I know He wants to teach me and I know that to be close to Him I have to meditate on His word so it is living and breathing in me. I have to take each step following His lead. I pray that as you begin your 2010, you are reminded that the Lord doesn't ask us to be perfect....He asks us to come as we are broken and scarred to Him our Perfect God and He is there to mend what needs mending. To take our imperfect life, and help us turn it into something that glorifies Him. This life is not about us....It is about the one who gave us this life--our PERFECT GOD! Happy New Year to you and God Bless! Love, David, Steph, Jake, Drew, and Tate

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What a beautiful sight....

Looking out my bedroom window this morning, the beauty of God's wonderful snow tipped creation is all I see. We were blessed with a touch of snow last night, and the boys couldn't wait to get their gear on and go out and play in it! I love to listen to them get ready, and hear the excitement in their voices when they plan out their sledding adventures together. The snow is wonderful, but the most beautiful sight to a mother is watching her three little boys play and have so much fun together! The Lord knows just how to warm my heart and he has blessed my family with love, laughter, and lots of fun. I know the sledding won't last long since temperatures this morning are extremely I'm off downstairs to fix three little boys some yummy hot cocoa! Hope today finds you cuddling with the ones you love, I know I will be!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Jesus...the light of the world

The view from my diningroom window at this moment makes me happy I am inside today watching the boys enjoy the new things they recieved yesterday. They are playing with their new legos given to them by their Nana and being so creative in their constructions. David is still sleeping due to his early morning sick stomach that resulted in him losing all of the delicious fixings that He so gloriously enjoyed at my grandmother's house at dinner yesterday afternoon. After talking to Kay I hear that he is not the only one in the family this morning battling an uneasy stomach. It must be a little bug that hopefully will not rear it's ugly little head again. I am at this moment trying to decide if I want to clean up the aftermath of Christmas morning or bake some chocolate chip and sugar cookies. I am leaning toward the cookies telling myself that "it's the holidays," but I will probably remind myself that if I would just clean up the mess--I could really enjoy the baking later. I love the holidays! The smells, the sights, the cuddles, and for me the one of the best parts is spending uninterrepted time with family. For the last week leading up to the holidays, I have watched and cherished each moment. We have had nowhere we had to go...and so we have had the opportunity to just be together! Life seems to stand still during this holiday and having David and the boys home with me during Christmas break is such a joy. Dave and I love watching them share, and laugh, wrestle and fight. You know what I mean--at one moment the are hugging each other and the next minute they want to take the other down for the count. We have learned that in raising them that even in the wrestling and fighting, they truly are loving. It is a strange and interesting thing but the love they share as brothers runs so deep. I remind them daily that with brothers they have friends for life! I pray for their relationship to continually grow stronger and deeper as they get older. I am so thankful we are blessed in raising such special little boys. I feel so blessed that I get to parent with such an amazing man, who shows them how to let the Lord lead his life, so he can lead this family. As I stop and ponder what this season is all about...I recognize that it is about Jesus and his amazing love for us. It is about sharing that love with our families and those around us. Letting our light of His love shine so the world will see Jesus! God bless your family this coming year and years to come. Bundle's cold outside in Stockton, Missouri! Love, The Wheeler's!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day....

I have had such a wonderful day!! This morning the boys woke us up about 7 a.m. and were ready to get downstairs to see if Santa had come, and as always he had left them something special under the tree. As we made our way into the livingroom and the gifts were passed out, Jake said, "I know were ready to open presents, but can we say a little prayer for Chad? He is out this morning working on the icy roads and he isn't going to be able to spend time with his family." David and I were quick to say of course we could pray for Chad and we were filled with awe in thinking that he had his mind on our dear friend. It made the beginning for such a special morning seeing our children so thankful for the special gifts they were recieving, and we could tell their focus wasn't on the gifts. Our tree was not exploding with presents, but our boys were so excited to see what their few packages held. There is nothing like the excitement small children bring to Christmas. We have so much fun listening to their conversations about the anticipation of this special day, and seeing their eyes light up when they open a package marked with their name on top. David and I have always tried to make Christmas special, but we have always stressed to the boys that Christmas is not about the getting it is more about the giving. That it feels so good to give something special to someone you love-or to even a stranger. We have spent the day loving, laughing, giving and recieving, eating, and sleeping. It has been great. As I am sitting here I am so thankful for my warm home, with family all around. I am truly blessed beyond measure and I am so thankful for my Savior who was born this day, whom we celebrate above all--Jesus. He is the one and only reason for all seasons! He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords--Almighty God, the Everlasing Father! He is! I want to wish you a Merry Christmas evening and a blessed 2010!

Monday, December 21, 2009

I am not sure how long I have been blogging. It has been maybe a year or so, and I can still remember the day I decided to start my account. I was at work, reading my niece Rachel's blog and thought I might enjoy the idea of journaling the events in my family's life. I sat trying to think first...about the name I would give my blog. My husband, my mother-in-law, and brother-in-law were all there listening to me think of a title for this new journaling experience I was about to embark upon. I would think of one, and quickly's not it. They would chime in with an idea or two, and still nothing seemed to fit, nothing seemed to say just what I was wanting to say. Then David said, "honey, how about "Our Story?" With no hesitation I said, "That's it!" I began thinking about what was the most important thing in OUR STORY. The one thing that I would want to center my blog around? I remember saying to myself that if I was going to begin journaling, I was going to tell the world exactly what the most important detail of our story is, and that's the love of Jesus in our life. Since I began this blogging journey, I have had the opportunity to read about so many families stories. I can keep up with the many things that go on in their life, and how their stories unfold. This evening I was looking at some videos my niece posted on her site and ran across a couple of videos of our sweet Grandma Marie on her 100th birthday in July. This wonderful amazing woman with a heart of God had such a special story, and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to be a part of that story. I am mentioning her not only because I love her, but because her story had only one focus, to share the love of Jesus with everyone she came in contact with. She taught me, so many things, but one of the most important things she taught me was to let my light shine for Jesus in every way. My family knows I am such a work in progress. I fail so many times, and my story has its mountains and valleys. It is a flawed story with all kinds of twists and turns, but my story does have an amazing ending. As Jesus as my guide, my story will have a happy ending, but I had to give my story... to Him first. At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus. His story began so long ago, and changed the lives of everyone in this world, and He is still changing lives today. His story is more than words on a page that we read about in history. There's a song that I love that says...He is the air that I breath, the water I thirst for, and the ground beneath my feet, He is everything to me. As we live in times that are so uncertain, I want to say that everyone has a story, and at some point every story will come to an end, and an extremely sad ending without Jesus. As a Christian, I want to say that with Jesus... there is no greater, happier ending. He is the center of our story, and the story of our extended family. I am so thankful for the love of Christ that we share in our entire family, and I am in awe of how He knows every detail of our story from start to finish. I pray that as you read this He is the center of your story too. That your story rests in His hands, and He is at the heart of your Christmas. If you do not know Him, and are searching for peace in your life, I pray that you find Him. The Savior of the world is waiting to be in center of your story. He can give you peace like you've never known before, and wants to be a the narrator of your story. The more you seek Him, the more you will find Him! God Bless you and your story~Have a wonderful Christmas as we celebrate the ultimate gift...Jesus!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Jeremiah 33:3

Today my little boy Tate was home from school with a stomach bug. Even though it was not so much fun for him--I, as always, enjoy it when the boys are home with me. I know that the Lord has a plan set out for each of them, and that His mighty hand protects and directs their paths, and that at this moment in time He has them in this school for a purpose. I just don't like the fact that the time they had at home with me went so quickly. I was sharing a scripture with my sister the other day from Jeremiah 33:3. In my Bible it reads, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." This scripture has always been one of my favorites because it reminds me that when I call on the Lord He will answer me in a way that only He knows is best. It may not seem that way to me at the moment, but I know He knows the future and He knows what is best. This particular day I was sharing it with her about a particular situation she has gone through for a long time. She read it and immediately answered me back with the translation in her Bible which read: "Ask me, and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come." God is so good. He knows all the amazing secrets that are in our future. Remarkable things we cannot even imagine! Wow! I am so blown away thinking about how the Lord knows all this about me, and about each one of us. It is so hard to think that He has enough love for each of us, and His love for us never runs out. I am comforted this evening knowing that our God knows all of the secrets that are in the future for my boys, and for David and I as well. That His plan for them is far greater than the one I have played out in my finite brain. That He watches each move and when we falter-He takes His mighty hand and steers us back on track.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Blessings.....

Today is Thanksgiving Day and I am just relaxing with my family here at home. We normally run here and there and everywhere on Thanksgiving Day so relaxing doesn't seem to fit into the picture. This year however, things have occurred that were out of our control, so we have had the opportunity to just be at home for a little while. Though it is hard for us to not be with all of our family today--we have tried to count our blessings instead of thinking on the things we are missing. We are such a blessed family and I have been overwhelmed with emotions of thankfulness all morning. David and I were talking about how the Lord takes care of us and how His hand is continually covering us. In Psalm 91 the Lord tells us that those who live in the shelter of the Most High, can rest in the shadow of the Almighty. He is our refuge and our place of safety; He is our God, and we trust Him. He rescues us from every trap and protects us from deadly disease. He covers us with his feathers. He shelters us with His wings. His faithful promises are our armor and protection. We do not have to fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day. We do not have to dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at our side, and ten thousand are dying around us, these evils do not touch us. If we make the Lord our refuge, and our shelter, no evil can conquer us; no plague will come near our home. The Lord orders His angels to protect us wherever we go. They will hold us up with their hands so we won't even hurt our foot against a stone. The Lord says He will rescue those who love Him and protect those who trust in Him. When we call on His name He answers, He is with us in times of trouble. I am so thankful today and everyday that my God is a Mighty God who cares for me and my family. Today as we celebrate Thanksgiving--we are focusing on the one who truly deserves our "thanks", the Lord Jesus Christ-who deserves our thanks in everything!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's Cookout Time.....

What a beautiful November weekend! The weather is so perfect. It is just what the doctor order for a bonfire and cookout! I am so in the mood for some family fun this evening and what better way to spend it. I love fall--have I mentioned that before? Those who know me well know that this kind of day puts me in such a wonderful mood. I feel like I have had a smile on my face all day! LOVE IT. Thank you Lord for such a blessing in today! I better get off here and get to calling everyone and tell them the party is at my place tonight!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Playing ball like a girl.....

When the kids and I got home today, we all decided that we couldn't let a beautiful day like today go by, without a walk around our property. The air was warm, the sky was clear, and the neighborhood was quiet. I am pretty sure we were the only ones home. We walked down to Jeff and Michelle's to look for Rachel's new little kittens, and to give a shout out to Bud. It was so much fun. Just the boys and I. It got me thinking about how as the boys get older they spend more and more time with their daddy, and less and less interested in the things a girl might like. I can see that if I am going to spend time with them I am going to have to become more interested in things like hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activites. The boys think that as far as they know the only girls in the family that play sports are Rachel and Caitlyn. The other day I did however, surprise Drew when he asked me to play catch with the football. I said sure, and off we went. He had the ball so the first throw was to me. As he was throwing it he said, Mom do you think you can throw a spiral to me out here or do I need to scoot up?" I replied, "Well I'm not sure, but I'll try." As I began to throw the football Drew could see that in fact I could throw a football, and a spiral at that. His eyes were as big as saucers, and he said and I quote, "WOW Mom that is the best spiral I have ever seen, Dad did you know Mom could throw a spiral?" Smiling, I asked him if he had ever watched his aunt Heather throw a football, or watch his Nana play softball (she was quite the ball player in the late 70's early 80's! I asked him if he remembered Michelle hitting grounders to Alex and Rachel, or know that Memaw used to be the one who played baseball with Daddy and Jeff? Do you remember all of the times I hit grounders and threw pop flies to you and your brothers when you were little? I guess I do hold some of those not so distant memories for the boys and still have a few surprises up my sleeve. Even some hidden talents my boys have not discovered yet. I am glad I can keep them guessing about me. One thing I do now for sure. I am going to keep myslelf active in the things my boys love. I want to stick as close as I can for as long as I can! They may not always want me right in the middle of things, but I know they will always want me around. They'll always need a shoulder to cry on, and an ear to listen when life gets tough. I just want to be exactly what they need when they need it. Isn't that what's so wonderful about the Lord, He is ALWAYS exactly what we need when we need it. He never changes and never will. He is the same today, yesterday and forever!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Seasons Change.....

Why does time seem to go so fast? I was driving by our old house the other day, the house we brought all three of our littles boys home to. I was admiring how tall the trees had gotten in the yard that we planted together and how beautiful they were. I drove by slowly remembering those special times we had there. How the boys would play in the yard and try to climb to the tip top of the dogwood tree on the north side of the house, or playing a pick up baseball game in the yard. That particular day was cloudy, chilly, and it seemed to sprinkle all day. Those were the days I loved the most as a stay-at-home mom. The boys and I would bake homeade cinnamon rolls (or some other baked goodies), drink hot chocolate, and watch The Tales of Peter Rabbit or the Velveteen Rabbit together cuddled under a blanket on the sofa. As I arrived home that day before picking up the kids I had decided I would bake an apple pie for David to enjoy on his lunch break. I enjoy baking so preparing the pie was fun but not near as much fun as having my boys home to help me add all of the ingredients. I miss them being home, and I miss being at home full time as well. I miss them under foot needing me to help them reach for a drink of water, tie their shoes, or zip their coats. To all those stay-at-home moms out there who feel like they are living in a world of sippy cups and diapers. Who feel like their living rooms have been taken over by building blocks, or baby dolls. Who feel like the only thing they do all day is wipe little bottoms or little noses. Your not alone. I have been there and I tried so hard to heed the advice of wise mentoring mothers who had told me time and time again to enjoy every minute. They were right. Every minute is precious and is gone in a flash. I do miss those days, but I am loving where my boys are at right now too. I guess the secret is enjoying each stage of life as it comes. Being content in every season, because seasons change. To remember that with each passing season there is so much beauty to see as our children grow and change and mature. To everything there is a season.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Heart of a little town.....

I am overwhelmed at times at how the Lord blesses me with so much family so close to me in my life. David and I have both sides of the family living in the same home town, and it is so great. It is something that we feel so many people in life miss out on when children move away and start life in a new place. When I was younger--just married and before children--I used to think that life in our little town was not big enough for me. I needed to see the world and see what it had to offer. As I age--I am so thankful that the Lord planted me right where I am. I get to see my entire family grow and we get to age together--I don't have to miss a minute. As I am writing this I can honestly say that I have had so much fun every moment on this vacation--and I will be sad to leave. But family is where my heart is. I will be glad to get back to the beautiful trees turning color--and the crisp feeling in the air. Pulling out my jeans and my fall sweaters and all of the fun that comes with the seasons to come. Hot dog roasts with my family-softball games, football games, and cuddles on our couch at home. I love vacations but I truly love my family. Our little town may be small--but the heart that lives there beats so strong. It is a very unique and special place to live and I am so thankful to the Lord for placing me right where I am.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fishing on the Shamrock.....

There are a few things in life that David gets really excited about and fishing is one that tops the list. He has been so busy with work that fishing has become some what of a lost love in his life. Dave surprised the men with a fishing trip Monday on a ship called the Shamrock. David and the boys were going out on a four hour guided fishing excursion and they were so excited! They left the house around 10 and were scheduled to be home around 4:00 and we had decided that we would plan dinner around their successes. We made a call to check up and see how they had done, and they had caught 11! They had a great time out on the open sea, spending some guy time together (David did get seasick so that was not a highlight). They fixed red snapper, King mackerel, and Spanish mackerel and it tasted so good! God blessed them with a beautiful day out on the water, kept them safe, and also blessed them with a fishing trip they will never forget! Our God is an awesome God!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Our Florida Vacation.....

Here are just a few pictures of our first day on the beach. We are having a memorable time laughing, playing, sharing, and relaxing. Thought I would post these pics so you could see what we did all in the Gulf of Mexico!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Autumn Life in the Country.....

As I am sitting here, the autumnal breeze blowing through my house, I am sure this is my favorite time of year. I love this season-the leaves gently making their way to the ground creating a blanket of yellows, oranges, reds, and browns. It is so beautiful. Looking around I see just how amazing my God is. He gives us so much. It seems that my life at this moment has taken on a slower pace, and I love it. Though it doesn't last long I am going to cherish every second. The boys are playing together, and it is quiet. I can hear the wind filled trees chatting back and forth. I see squirrels picking through my walnuts in the front yard sifting out just the right ones to store for the winter. My St. Bernard relaxing in her pin her fur moving back and forth with the breeze. Max and Sammy cuddled together on the back deck catching up on some needed sleep tired from their night prowling. I love it in the country. I thank you Lord for allowing my family to live here. To reside in a such special place. I was sharing with my family the other day that it is not the home I live in that I love--but the life that is lived here. I pray that our home is filled with love, encouragement, laughter, family, and friends. Most importantly I pray that our home is a refuge for those who need to feel the love of God. That we never get to busy to share God's love and connect with those God puts into our path. That I am never to busy to remember who gives me this life. God deserves my best and I am ashamed to say that I am someone who lets busy life take control. Lord help me in the busyness of life to rest in You. To rest in the shelter of Your wings and remember You are my Strong Tower. My God is amazing and I am in awe of His marvelous creation!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Well, school is starting tomorrow and I am singing the mamma blues. It is so hard for me to let my little guys go after summer break. I guess I just want moments to last longer, for hugs to be just a little tighter, and for my little boys to stay little boys. Each new school year brings a close to a little more of our past, but it also starts new things to come. As I am writing this it is hard to fight back tears. (I am not being very successful) At the moment I am watching Drew and Tate collect some stones outside our house, getting ready to paint on them. Their little fingers picking just the perfect stone that will become their masterpiece. Listening to their conversations with each other, so young and so precious yet so detailed and interesting. They are more than brothers, they are friends. Where does the time go. I know it sounds like a mom to say this, but I am in love with each and every little part of my three little guys. The way they smile at me, the way they hug me, and the way they play with my hair when we are reading or watching a movie. They are such a gift, and I want each of these moments to never change. Alas, I know that dream can never come true. I know they have to grow up and become the men God wants them to be. I also know our special moments will change and grow as they do in a very special way. There is nothing like the bond between a mother and her little boy and I am so blessed to have three very special, unique little boys of my very own. I just pray that sending them to school gets a little easier, I am like that story your hear about children crying everyday, not wanting to go--only I am the opposite--I am the mom not wanting to let them go. Pray for me!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

5 weeks and counting.....

As you can see I am ready for a vacation!!!

I can't believe that in 5 weeks my family will be sitting on the white sandy beaches of Destin, Florida! My husbands brothers family just got back and I can't wait to see the pictures from their trip. Just listening to their stories of the beach and seeing some of the pictures creates such excitement inside of me. Vacations are essential. You can spend quality time together as a family and create lasting memories without all the distractions of everyday life. I can't wait. I am counting the days until my eyes see those beautiful sunsets and my feet hit the soft white sand. It's going to be great!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Intentional Walk.....

As I was sitting here this morning reading my devotion for today, I ran across a scipture that has been such a daily meditation for me over this last week, and a reminder of how the Lord is watching over me and a constant promise for our family. It is Psalm 32:8 and it has been sort of my end of the school year summer time scripture I have referenced so many times in the last three months, and it is great how the Lord puts it right in my path just when I need it. It reads, The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." The intentions for our USSSA World Series trip were for us to make this week something more than a plethera of ballgames. The Lord has set us most definatly on the pathway we are traveling and that path includes lots and lots of ballgames. I feel it is our job to make the most of every opportunity He sets in that path to make a difference in the lives of those around us. He says in Psalm 32:8 that as we travel this path He will guide us along, advise us and watch over us. I believe that wholeheartedly! He brought in our path so many opportunities to minister the love of Jesus to so many people this week, and to truely love even when it's not easy. (which I am still learning to do, and do not do it very well) I believe that the Lord sets in that pathway some very difficult situations, some that are very close to home and heart. He wants to make us better people through those difficult situations and if we are walking that intentional walk it makes it easier to see how He is refining us. I have thanked the Lord for such a special week to be with some wonderful people, and to watch my son and the young men on his team play some great baseball. I have watched them grow and mature and learn some wonderful life lessons through this wonderful, exciting game. I pray that each day of my life I am walking intentionally. That people see that though I am so flawed, the Lord looks at my heart and sees my potential, and He wants me to just be the best I can be. I know that is how I look at my sons and the way they play the game of baseball. They are not perfect, and they may have those many flawed days, but I see their potential, and I want them to be the best they can be. How great is our God. He can take a simple game of baseball, and turn it into the best learning and growing experience--as long as I am focused on what Him and listening to what He wants to say to me and taking that INTENTIONAL WALK! Have a wonderful Sunday!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Baseball, Birthday, and Baby.....

Whew! What a week! Here are just a few pics of the Stockton Cardinals at the USSSA World Series, Tate's Birthday, and The Brown's new baby boy.....Cannon Brinnton! Will post more later as we are headed to the Sac River All Star game to watch Drew!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ballgames.....

Well as you can see from the pics I placed on my blog page baseball mania has hit and America's favorite pastime has consumed our home, our car, and our lives. I have been the worst about complaining that we have not had enough time at home lately. It seems that as soon as we get up in the morning I am washing baseball uniforms, planning the evenings dinner to pack in the cooler for the nights big game wherever the road leads. As I was praying about my attitude the other day the Lord impressed upon me that no matter where the Lord has me I need to be content. I need to have the attitude of Christ wherever I may be. If the Lord has ballgames in my life at the moment, I need to make sure that I am a light for Him at those games keeping a good attitude. He reminded me that as the mother of three little boys who love sports, I am going to be attending oodles and oodles of ballgames over their lifetime and I need to prepare my heart and my mind now because I have been called at this moment in time to minister to them most importantly. They see my attitude behind the scenes (scary) and they look at me as an example of what it should be like to have the mind, heart, and attitude of Christ. I know I have so much to learn and God is refining and reminding me each day that He has a bigger plan in store for me. He will guide me on the path that is fit just right for me, and as long as I follow His lead, I will never be alone. Isn't God's grace good. He sees my rough edges, all my faults and failures, and covers them with that grace. I have been challenged the past few days to check my attitude at the door. To lift my eyes to the hills and realize where my help comes from. It comes from the Lord, the maker of Heaven and earth. I know I am not the perfect wife or mother and I know I never will be, (just ask my husband and my children). I guess I just want my husband and my children to know that each day I want to do my best to let them know how much I love them. How thankful I am that God chose me to be one who gets to experience those car rides to the games and who gets to cheer my boys to victory or comfort them in defeat. To know that is how God thinks of us as His children. He cheers us when we are victorious in situations when we have trusted Him, and he picks us up and comforts us when we feel defeated. So Lord, take me out to the ballgames, take me out to that crowd, use me where I am planted right now, and help me to live your love out loud!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I miss Mayberry.....

I just want to say for the record that I am trying to raise my boys to be thoughtful, considerate, kind, compassionate, and caring. I know at times they probably struggle with these things, but I know in their hearts they are trying. I guess I am writing this because I feel our society is witnessing a generation of ungrateful, expectant young people who have never take the time or care to learn the appropriate behavior that will benefit them in their life and more importantly those who share the planet with them. I was in the grocery store the other day and I actually witnessed a young man, looked to be around 23 years old or so, take some peanuts out of the barrel and proceed to eat them while he was walking through the store. Instead of throwing the shells in the trash, he walked over to a display and threw the shells inside leaving the trash for someone else to pick up. I will have to say that at times he would actually throw the shells on the floor leaving that mess as well. I was livid. My sister happened to be with me and we are two girls who have a hard time being quiet when we see someone doing something they shouldn't. Our comments to this young man and his girlfriend were to the point, trying ever so hard to keep a Christian tone. I mean who in their right mind thinks this behavior is ok. Even if this man's parents didn't teach him not to steal food from others and leave your trashy mess behind--it dosen't take a rocket scientist to figure out after 23 years that you don't behave that way. I want to take the time in this blog to thank the older generation. The generation of men and women who taught me through example how to make good commen sense decisions. How to be respectful, and considerate of others possessions and their feelings. To treat someone the way I want to be treated, and to strive to have an attitude of gratefulness for what I have. The Mayberry generation that stops to talk to you on the street, and is genuinely concerned about your well-being. The relationship based generation that doesn't think that you have to cram a million things into one hour, but instead likes to sit on the back porch and drink sweet tea just taking in God's beautiful masterpiece. I am so thankful for this generation that instilled in me values that I am trying ever so hard to teach my boys. I want them to open doors for people, to offer a helping hand when needed. Boys who still open the car door for their sweetheart, and who have a conscience when it comes to making decisions. Getting back to the basics of life.....that's what I want to strive for. No matter where I go, or what I am doing...I want to live my life unselfishly. To love my neighbor and seek God's direction for my life. To those of you out there who are on my side....let's strive to raise a new grateful generation of starts with us. They will follow our example, and it is our job to follow the Lord's!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lazy Days of Summer..........

I will have to say that for the last few weeks of school I have been anxiously waiting for the first official day of summer vacation to arrive. I think I am worse than the kids at times. I love summer when the kids are home and we can just spend the lazy days of summer together-or is it crazy days? It seems that for the last four years of my life I have been running here and there and everywhere to get the kids where they need to go, and all of my errands done before dinner and bedtime. I miss the lazy days where we would just pack a picnic basket and head for the lake and enjoy an afternoon together as a family. Nowhere to go and freedom to stay out until dark with nothing on the agenda. Now it's (as Rachel's blog pointed out) gotta eat, change, and head to a ballgame! Don't get me wrong, I love watching my boys play ball, I guess I just miss the pick up game in the yard too. The boys using one of my vacuum sweeper attachments as a bat, and a ball made out of rolled up duct tape. Organized sports are great, but nothing beats watching while Jake, Drew, Tate, Rachel and Alex play until sundown in the front yard, listening to them make the game come alive with all of their play by plays announced at the top of their lungs. I love family time. I love family. I try to cherish each moment because time flies so quickly. I never want to be to busy and tired from the day to go outside on a hot summer night and catch fire flies with my boys. I have high expectations for this summer. Get ready Heather, Michelle, Rachel, Jill, Connie and any other Phase 10 lover--this summer..... card nights at my house! BYFS (Bring your favorite snack) and I will provide the sweet tea! I am bound and determined to bring back those lazy days. Those memory making days that our families will cherish for a lifetime.