Monday, December 21, 2009

I am not sure how long I have been blogging. It has been maybe a year or so, and I can still remember the day I decided to start my account. I was at work, reading my niece Rachel's blog and thought I might enjoy the idea of journaling the events in my family's life. I sat trying to think first...about the name I would give my blog. My husband, my mother-in-law, and brother-in-law were all there listening to me think of a title for this new journaling experience I was about to embark upon. I would think of one, and quickly's not it. They would chime in with an idea or two, and still nothing seemed to fit, nothing seemed to say just what I was wanting to say. Then David said, "honey, how about "Our Story?" With no hesitation I said, "That's it!" I began thinking about what was the most important thing in OUR STORY. The one thing that I would want to center my blog around? I remember saying to myself that if I was going to begin journaling, I was going to tell the world exactly what the most important detail of our story is, and that's the love of Jesus in our life. Since I began this blogging journey, I have had the opportunity to read about so many families stories. I can keep up with the many things that go on in their life, and how their stories unfold. This evening I was looking at some videos my niece posted on her site and ran across a couple of videos of our sweet Grandma Marie on her 100th birthday in July. This wonderful amazing woman with a heart of God had such a special story, and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to be a part of that story. I am mentioning her not only because I love her, but because her story had only one focus, to share the love of Jesus with everyone she came in contact with. She taught me, so many things, but one of the most important things she taught me was to let my light shine for Jesus in every way. My family knows I am such a work in progress. I fail so many times, and my story has its mountains and valleys. It is a flawed story with all kinds of twists and turns, but my story does have an amazing ending. As Jesus as my guide, my story will have a happy ending, but I had to give my story... to Him first. At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus. His story began so long ago, and changed the lives of everyone in this world, and He is still changing lives today. His story is more than words on a page that we read about in history. There's a song that I love that says...He is the air that I breath, the water I thirst for, and the ground beneath my feet, He is everything to me. As we live in times that are so uncertain, I want to say that everyone has a story, and at some point every story will come to an end, and an extremely sad ending without Jesus. As a Christian, I want to say that with Jesus... there is no greater, happier ending. He is the center of our story, and the story of our extended family. I am so thankful for the love of Christ that we share in our entire family, and I am in awe of how He knows every detail of our story from start to finish. I pray that as you read this He is the center of your story too. That your story rests in His hands, and He is at the heart of your Christmas. If you do not know Him, and are searching for peace in your life, I pray that you find Him. The Savior of the world is waiting to be in center of your story. He can give you peace like you've never known before, and wants to be a the narrator of your story. The more you seek Him, the more you will find Him! God Bless you and your story~Have a wonderful Christmas as we celebrate the ultimate gift...Jesus!

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