Just want to say that I am so blessed in my life that I have a God who sees a bigger picture than I can even imagine. I put my full trust in Him...and pray that I am always doing my best to glorify Him...and lift up those around me. To remember that it is not about me....but about the one who gave this life to me. And when life seems to take me down a path that seems out of the loop with the rest of the world....to remember that I am not like the world. I am called to something higher and God deserves my best...and my complete trust. My life is in His hands and I am safe in His arms. Know today that you are too! Was listening to the radio yesterday about and a woman who struggled with alcholism and thought that she wasn't worthy of what she called "a good life." She had searched for peace...for joy...for love...and felt she had no way of finding it. She found temporary comfort in alcohol. As she began to spiral downward in her addiction...heading down a path that lead to destruction in her life...she felt something pulling her to the church she had attended as a child. She said she found herself there one evening...and the only one in the church at the time was the janitor. He was working trying to get things ready for Sunday worship when this strange woman came up and began asking him questions. She said His first question to her was "Do you know Jesus?" Though she knew who He was....she didn't "know" Him. That night in that little church she asked Jesus into her heart and has never been the same. She said at the moment she asked Him to be the Lord of her life...she was immediatley delivered from her addiction. That when she put her full trust in Him...she was so filled with His spirit she had no desire to be filled any other way. She has lived an alcohol free life since that moment and now talks about her struggles to help those seeking that same peace...joy....and love she sought so long ago. Her comment was that there is no other way to have the peace, love, and joy she has without knowing Jesus Christ. He is the only way! God has us go through certain struggles...trials in life to help us connect with each other. It is our job to uplift each other...to love each other. We serve a jealous God who wants our time and our attention...and if we are putting anything before Him...He dosen't completely have us...and cannot fully use us! I pray today that I am a vessel that puts my whole life in His hands...that He can use me to glorify His kingdom! Even though I don't struggle with alcohol or anything of that nature, I have my own addictions....we all do...and they need to be given to God so He has our complete life! We never know who God is going to put in our path....just like the janitor in the story. We have to be ready to share the good news of Jesus Christ...and how He works in our ordinary lives. That He is the one who takes our life and makes it something special...something unique! We are all sinners in need of a Savior...I am so thankful I know Him...and that He set me free! God Bless you today wherever you are....and know that you can experience His love....His Joy....and His Peace...it is there for you! If you are reading this today....hug the person/persons you are with and tell them how much you love them...everyone needs to hear they are loved! God is love!
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