Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I just have to say that in the last nine years of my life I have prayed more about "friends" than any other time in my life. After I had Jake, the Lord impressed upon me through a wonderful mentor, and one of my closest friends, just how important it is to pray for my children's' friends, or who their potential friends may be. I started praying that the Lord would bring Godly friends and role models into my boy's lives. That He would give them the wisdom they need to choose friends who are Godly, and help them never compromise their walk with Him in order to gain acceptance. I continue to pray this over them and will continue throughout their lifetime. Today, Jake and I were having a conversation on the way home and he asked me if I ever get a song stuck in my head and just can't quit singing it all day. I said yes, that happens to me all the time. He then said you know, a girl in my class today (I am not going to mention names just to keep things confidential) heard me singing a Christian song and she started singing one too. She told me she was a Christian, and that she went to church. I am glad I sit by her, now we can sing everyday about the Lord. My heart was so full. Just as the Lord promises, He hears our prayers, and He answers them! Friends may not come in the wrapping we anticipate them to come in, but when they come from Him, they are perfectly packaged. Delivered just at the right time. I thank you Lord for this little girl, for my son's new friend. Some of the greatest influences in our children's lives will be their friends and role models. How can we not pray for them? I am so thankful for the great family and friends in my life who teach me everyday through their example how to have a closer walk with the Lord. How to truly put our boys in the Lord's hands and let Him be their guide. I just feel so blessed that David and I are the ones right beside them throughout this incredible journey.

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