Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Battle On...

I want to say how blessed I feel to have a Lord that takes me under His wing and shelters me from all harm. I can run to Him and He is my high tower, my place of refuge. My prayers to Him are never lost or meaningless. If I am praying, something is happening, whether I see it or not. All that needs to happen in my life and the lives of those around me cannot happen without the presence and power of God. Our prayers invite and ignite both. In James 5:16 the Bible says that the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man (woman in my case), avails much. It's not enough to pray only for the concerns of the moment; we need to pray for the future, and we need to pray against the effects of past events. God is the only one who truly knows what each of my boys need and what challenges they will face in the future. When I place God's word in prayer, I am laying hold of the promises He gives me and appropriating them into the lives of my boys. The battle for my boy's lives are waged on my knees. When I pray, I am in battle alongside them, seeking God's power on their behalf. When I declare the Word of God in my prayers, I hold a powerful weapon against the enemy, and God's word promises that the enemy will not prevail! God's word is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). When I pray for my children, I need to stand on scripture. I know that when I do---mighty things will happen! I am so blessed with some amazing people in my life. It seems that when I am faced with a difficult situation, the Lord sends someone or something my way to encourage me, and life me up, and give me just the right scripture to pray. Scripture that they have stood on for years, and continue to stand on. Thank you Lord for prayer warriors in my life. Who teach me that we need to "do our fighting on our knees." (excerpt from one of David' songs, "Battle On") I am such a blessed woman to know that wherever I am, I am right where God wants me to be!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being such a strong Christian. I learn so much from you. I love you Steph!
