Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's a bird, It's a plane, It's SUPERMOMMY! (well sort of).....

Well, I am getting ready to head up to my room for some needed sleep. Before I do, I just thought I would let you in on a little secret. I have, for a little while, tapped into a brilliant discovery. How to successfully do some last minute Christmas shopping with two little boys, and actually come home sane. Are you ready, got a pen and paper handy--here it goes. I decided this year to begin a new family tradition--the twelve days before Christmas gifts. Little did I know these small gifts could easily become one the best ways to get my children to become tiny little angels. Why did I not think of this before. I for the last few days have held in my hand the keys to unlocking Christmas sanity!!! I was so excited when this revelation would come into full focus. Little did I know that something as small as a roll of smarties could mean so much to a child. When the boys begin to fuss, I simply say--Oh I am so sad you won't be getting your gift this evening, better be careful with those words. This is the only sentence I have to say. It is as if I were in a room all to myself. I could here a pin drop. I guess I better enjoy this time while I can. Who knows how long a tootsie roll will be my best friend. Just thought I might pass this along to those of you who still have little ones under the age of 9. Yes, this does work with my 9 year old surprisingly enough. I love the 12 days before Christmas!!! My sons are also convinced that I most definitely have eyes on the back of my head--and that I can see through walls. I love being a mom with super powers! (What they don't know won't hurt them!) I just wish these super powers worked on laundry, dishes, and keeping the house clean! I'm off to bed now--talk to you tomorrow!-------Steph

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