Saturday, December 20, 2008

God is in control

When things go wrong in Jake, Drew, and Tate's life, I want to blame myself, or I want to fix it. But I have discovered that it is not being a perfect parent that makes the difference their life. It is being a praying parent that makes the difference. When my children go through learning a hard lesson, (which my eldest son has had to do lately) I want to run to the rescue and make it all better. My parent heart is hurting. I want to fight their battles for them. But in fighting those battles what am I teaching them? I want my boys to know that the Lord has the power to fight their battles and they will have victory through Him. He has the power to change the situation they face, or change them and strengthen them through the process. He wants to reveal Himself to them in a mighty way--so that they are forever changed. In submitting myself to God and asking Him to help me be the parent and intercessor He wants me to be--the authority shifts. I am no longer in control--God is. The Holy Spirit will now lead me as I listen to His prompting in my heart for my boys. My boys are a gift from God and no matter how much I love them, He loves and cares for them even more than I do. I am facing a hard and hurtful situation in my life as well, so in writing this post, I am reminded that I am the Lord's child, and he wants to fight this battle for me too! All I need to do is Cast...all my cares upon Him, because He cares for me. (1Peter 5:7) and He cares for you too! I pray that you are encouraged today.

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