Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

Hello all-
Just to let everyone know there's a whole lot of excitement in the Wheeler home today. Just got word that there's NO SCHOOL TODAY!!! Wintery mix outside, temperatures below freezing, so it's cold, cold, cold. The boys and I decided to just stay in bed this morning and watch movies. I love it when they're home! I am going to make some cookies a little later, and the boys have requested monkey bread.(perfect snack for my little monkeys) I love to bake on a cold winter day. The boys have also requested some hot chocolate, so after I post this blog I am going to go stir up a few cups, topped with marshmellows! We're in hopes that when daddy reads this blog today--he will suddenly feel a cold coming on, and hurry home. We wish he didn't have to work today-but we thank the Lord for such a hard working daddy, who takes such good care of us. We also thank the Lord Jehovah Jirah, our provider, for above and beyond what we need, or ask for. You are so good to us! The boys are in need of a chocolate fix, so I am off to the kitchen! Talk to you later-----Steph

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