Monday, December 15, 2008

And so our story begins.....

Well-today we begin blogging. My niece Rachel has been blogging for a while now, and I have been bitten by the blogging bug. Thank you Rachel! This is going to be fun!

Tis the Christmas season, and I just want to say how blessed we are to have a Savior who loves us so much, and takes such wonderful care of us. We are a family who cannot praise you enough Lord.

Jake and Drew are both playing basketball, and having so much fun. Tate is only a spectator at the moment, but I am positive that he will have some killer basketball moves in the near future! Just like everyone else who has children, we are eagerly anticipating Christmas. The boys have been counting down the days. I love our boys!! They can bring such a warm smile to my face everyday-even when they are hanging from the chandeliers.(literally) I am convinced that to raise boys today you have to posses patience and be ready to give lots of hugs and kisses even when they have just "accidentely" dropped one of the pieces to the nativity scene on to the floor. We now have a one armed Joseph and a single eared lamb, pieces I will cherish when the boys are grown and out on their own. I know some of you parents out there are smiling because you have the same pieces in your own nativity scene. Thank you Lord, for boys!


  1. I am so gald
    you have a blog!
    It looks great.
    Love you

  2. I love your blog. You are right . . . we are going to have so much fun. Thanks for all your support sis! Your the best!

    Love you,
