Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Good morning! Well the boys are home from school again today. We get so excited when we see STOCKTON on the school cancellation list!! We decided last night that if in fact school was not in session today, we were going to craft all day long. I am so thankful that my boys love crafts as much as I do. Jake is planning to work on a gift box for his class, Drew is designing something special using my scrapbook materials--(excited to see what he comes up with), and Tate has decided that he will begin a coloring project. Look out Memaw--you will probably be adding another work of art to your gallery at the carpet store. It is still a bitterly cold day today. Weather conditions are similar to yesterday, only I think that temperature predictions claimed that it may get a little warmer this afternoon. (high 30's and possibly into the low 40's) I guess we'll see. Maybe Mr. Sunshine will peek out and tease us little today.
Last night my sister came over and we had so much fun creating her " bloggin jargon" (only my sister will think this is funny) last night. She is so are dear to me. Thank you Heather for making me laugh, and for always being there for me and my family. You and Bub are so special to us, and we love you both.
Well I cannot end without saying just how thankful I am for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My boys were singing Emmanuel the other day. They shared with me that it is one of their aunt Michelle's favorites, (it happens to be one of my moms, my sister's, and my fav's as well). When I hear this song I am reminded that He is the WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, LORD OF LIFE & LORD OF ALL, He is the PRINCE OF PEACE, MIGHTY GOD, HOLY ONE, EMMANUEL (God with US). Wow! I serve such an amazing God! He is everything to me, and He is always with me. I am loved by the King, and you are too!

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