Monday, April 13, 2009

My charmed Life.....

I have to admit I am a very spoiled woman. I have a wonderful family, wonderful in-laws, a wonderful church family and some wonderful friends. Everywhere I look, there is someone who is there for me. Someone I can lean on, and go to when things get rough and I need to unload. Yesterday as I was settling down after a wonderful Easter, I starting thinking about how charmed my life is. How I have everything I need in this life. I may not have all of the things the world would consider everything, but I have more than I could possibly ask for. Jesus is the King of my heart, and if everything in this life were taken from me, I still would have everything I need and that begins and ends with the Lord above. Easter is a time where we remember how Jesus, an innocent man, God in human flesh, took the weight of my sins, and died on the cross for me. I am so loved by Him that He would give His life for me, so that I could have eternal life through Him. I can celebrate His resurrection, and know that He is sitting at the right hand of God, pleading and interceding for me when I fail. I pray that I don't just settle for remembering what Jesus did for me on Easter, but I pray that everyday of my life I remember the gift that He has given me, and not get so wrapped up in my charmed life that I take my focus off of the one who gave me this life. I feel like I have many things to be thankful for, but I am most thankful for my Lord and Savior, He is truly the one that is there for me. I can always lean on Him when things get rough, and I can unload on Him--which I do frequently--and He will give me peace. If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, or don't know the peace and hope that comes from knowing and leaning on Him, look for Him, and you will find Him. Believe me when I say that if He can take a sinner like me and all of my faults and failures, and still want to do something with me, He is standing at the door of your heart too, wanting you to open the door, and let Him come in. This life is a hard one, and I can't imagine living it without Him.

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