Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oh how time flies.......

We went to Rachel's track meet yesterday, and had such a good time watching our niece run, and do long jump. This sweet young lady has literally grown-up so fast. I remember the days she used to dress up in her sweet little dresses, and have tea parties with her dolls--Begeggcka, and Sessa (not sure about the spelling on these names, but I remember them like it was yesterday) I used to watch her make the BEST mud pies--and play in her playhouse all day long. Where does the time go? This little girl--is now heading into the fourth quarter of her eighth grade year, and next stop..... High School. As a mother I am seeing that my children are growing at the same rate, and time keeps moving faster and faster each passing day. I am realizing just how short our time here on Earth is. The Lord impressed on me that as each day passes, am I giving my time and efforts to the things that are lasting? The last year of my life I have reevaluated so many things. I don't want to get to the end of my life and say I wish I would have spent more time in the word, or spent more time playing in the yard with my children. I am so thankful that the Lord continually reminds me that when the world heads one direction, I need to keep my eyes on the eternal goal. Not get so wrapped up in the things of this world that I miss the important things in life. When my children are grown, and heading in the direction the Lord has for them, I want them to reflect on their time in our home as being filled with sweet memories. That their Daddy and I were never to busy for them, and that we filled their life with the firm foundation of God's promises. That true success in life means that you are following God's lead and going where He wants you to go.

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