Just want to begin by saying how good it is to be in the hands of a God who knows all....and sees all. A God who knows everything about me and has a perfect path laid out for me. Who orchastrates every detail and only wants whats best for me. At times I wonder how could a God so great...could even look upon such a sinner? And He reminds me that He loves me just the way I am...and refines me everyday. I just have to be willing to surrender those sinful ways and let Him lead me. As I sit here...listening to the noises of nature all around me...the gentle morning breeze blowing throw my open windows...I sit in awe of a Lord who surrounds me with such splendor! I serve a God who is greater...stronger...higher than any other! Who turned water to wine...opened the eyes of the blind...there is No God like My God! (just a few lyrics from one of my favorite choruses) I pondered this morning the line...opened the eyes of the blind. Jesus literally did open the eyes of the blind...but as I sat and thought about how awesome this miracle was...how even more awesome that He is still in the business of opening the eyes of the blind today. We don't see..as those before us did...blind men seeing...or do we? I am convinced that even though we read about this miracle in the Bible...God knew that today we would be seeing this miracle performed in a very different way. We are living in a world where there are those walking blind in a fleshly way. People who have no morals....no standards....no respect for each other and who live with situational ethics. They are in desparate need of a healing that only comes from the Lord. A opening the eyes of the blind kind of miracle. The kind of miracle that only God can perform and it begins in the heart. I pray for our country...and those all over the world who need the Lord. Who need His direction...and to see why it is important to live by HIS standards! Every single day we pass by people who are hurting...who are lost...and need the Lord. It is our duty to share His love...it's what we are called to do. To share Jesus in a world where the wrong seems right...an empty generation that needs to be filled with God's love. Remember the old song...It only takes a spark to get a fire going....I pray for the Lord to ignite a fire in His people that cannot be put out! Join me in praying for God's Holy fire to ignite a nation!
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