Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Truth about Love and Little Boys..........

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you out there! It has been a great morning in the Wheeler house! Valentine's Day seems to bring that extra added touch of LOVE in our home. We had our special pancakes, made Valentine treats for our family and Aunt Heather, Nana, and Michelle and Rachel brought over some goodies. All things we ladies want to add to the day, giving everyone a little extra I love you! When it comes to boys though, it seems that LOVE is shown not so much in the hugging, or exchanging goodies--but is shown in a knock down wrestle match to the ground. It has always amazed me that a quick wrestle match can bring brothers so much closer. I can always tell when the boys need a good match--they get fussy, they want to tattle--and they can't seem to find one nice word to say about each other. When I see these attitudes arising--I simply have to bring them all in the living room--and declare the borders of the ring and let them go at it. Sounds aggressive and somewhat brutal--but it works. They start giggling, and before you know it they are saying the nicest things about each other. Things like--hey nice pin, or man your getting stronger. All words of affirmation to a little boy (especially when it comes from your big brother). Boys want to feel tough, and empowered. As a mother of three and never having brothers of my own, I have searched for books to give me insight in helping me raise these three wonderful boys. Books to help me understand how they think and how I can raise them to be Godly men who fight for their families, and who can take charge and lead households of their own. It is an interesting life being the mother of three boys. I can honestly say that my thinking has changed so much over the last nine years of my life. I never thought I would say that seeing my boys duke it out would be something I would encourage, but watching what happens after they have gotten their knocks in is amazing. They seem to learn respect, love, and how to encourage amidst all the battle. I will never convince my mother or grandmother that wrestling is a good thing--but I have a mother-in-law and some great friends on my side. (All mothers of boys--no daughters) There's a different mentality in a house full of testosterone!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN....I'm afraid I'm learning this slowly...I'm not a great wrestle, get dirty person...I have to let KC "go" sometimes and not worry about his clothes, his dirty hands or muddy shoes...he loves it...Ken is a wonderful balance to me when it comes to play...he loves the wrestle and sword fighting! It's encouraging to read what your perspective is! you asked about using the slideshow... what exactly are you having trouble have to load pictures onto Picassa Web albums to get it to do personal pic. It's not hard to upload but you have to but you have to sign up for an account. Take care and YES, he did get me with the snowball...he loved it....!
