Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm Gonna Sing.....

Happy New Year to all! Last night I was traveling to a friends house for dinner and the song I'm gonna sing when the Spirit says sing came on. It moved my Spirit so, that I began to think about what I want for this next year in my walk with Christ. I want to do just what the Lord wants me to do. I don't want to question what I know He is telling me in fear that someone won't approve. I answer to a Most High God, not people here on Earth. I want the courage to SING when the Spirit says SING, I want to SHOUT when the Spirit says SHOUT, I want to PREACH when the Spirit says PREACH, and PRAY when the Spirit say PRAY, and obey the Spirit of the Lord(as the song goes). It is so easy to get caught up in wondering what others around me will think when I burst out in song, or shout out loud in an unexpected place or time. The Lord will never ask me to do something that is inappropriate. He is a God who has perfect placement and timing. I am just a vessel to be used by an amazing God. 2008 revealed to me that when I put my trust in the Lord, (things I have know all my life) and call to Him, He will show me great and mighty things. He confirmed in me, that when others have an idea about what I am capable, or what I limit myself to, He has greater things for me. It is when I am at my weakest, that He makes me strong. I thank you Lord for making me Your special treasure. (Deuteronomy 7:6) In the old testament, How did Israel deserve to be chosen above all other nations? It was not a matter of Israel's merit, but of God keeping His promise to their ancestors. Just as God chose the nation of Israel, He has chosen all believers today to be a part of His special treasure. It is not because of our merit that we have come to faith in Christ, God chose us out of His own goodness and grace. I thank you Lord, for filling me with so much love, and for your grace, and I pray that Your love would overflow onto those I come in contact with. I pray that I would have the courage to do as this special litte gospel song says..."Sing when the Spirit says Sing, and obey the Spirit of the Lord," because YOU ask me to.

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