Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Love without end.....

I will have to say that as Valentine's Day is quickly approaching I am excited about the little secrets I have hidden away for my family. This holiday is one of my favorites due to the fact that Love is why we celebrate. I particularly enjoy the days leading up to Valentine's Day. I always surprise my family with a special breakfast, but this year I have a few more things up my sleeve. I am like a child awaiting Christmas--I cannot wait for this day to arrive. I have been so blessed with such love in my life. I have a Savior who loves me more than I can imagine, and He has blessed me with such a loving family. Throughout my life, I have always seemed to reap a harvest of love from everyone around me, even when I am unlovable, my family seems to overlook my flaws and loves me just for who I am. What amazes me most is that my Heavenly Father does the same. He is patient and kind. His love is not boastful or proud or rude. He does not demand His own way. He is not irritable, and He keeps no record of when I have wronged Him. He is never glad for injustice, but rejoices when the truth wins out. He never gives up on me, and never loses faith in me, He is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. His love will last forever. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) This kind of love is hard for me to even comprehend. It is utterly unselfish. It seems to go against all my natural inclinations. I know it is impossible to have this kind of love unless God helps me set aside my own selfish and natural desires, so that I can love, not expecting anything in return. Wow, when I think of how the God of the Universe loves me, how can I not strive to love in the same way. To Love is the greatest commandment. We are to Love God above all else. Above our spouse, our children, our families, our friends, our possessions--above everything. David and I have always told our children that we love them, but we could never love them as much as God loves them. Knowing how much we love our boys, I am blown away at how much God must love us. Be encouraged today, as I have been, knowing that the Lord above loves us. He is there to comfort us, to cheer us on, and encourage us. He is there to hold us when we are weak, and rejoice with us when we are strong. I am challenging myself to love with God's love more than I ever have before. To love more today than yesterday. To let Him be my guide, and not let my pride or selfishness get in the way. To let go of expectations, and just love expecting nothing in return.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,
    I loved your rendering of I Corinthians 13. His love IS SO AMAZING! I am so grateful to not only be a part of HIS family but a part of yours...Happy Valentine's Day! Jennie
