Saturday, January 17, 2009


I have a funny story for you... Last night David decided to talk to the boys about the danger of talking to strangers, and to give them some scenarios to see how they would react when faced with what to do if a stranger approached them. David began by asking Tate (5) what he would do if a someone he did not know wanted him to come with them. He replied, "I would smack their face and walk away." David said, "Well what if they grabbed you and you couldn't get away?" Tate said, "I would just scream, Daddy, and you would come and get me." Dave said, "That is a good thinking, Tate, I would come and get you as fast as I could." Then the conversation turned a little more serious. Dave let the boys know that when a stranger is asking them to come with them, they are wanting to do things to them to harm them. Drew had been taking all of this conversation in, not saying to much. Then he spoke up and said in all seriousness, "You mean they might try to feed us a poison apple?" David said, "Well I mean they want to hurt you, and in most cases children never come home, those strangers decide to kill them so they won't tell anyone what happened." Jake (9) asked how a stranger might decide to kill a child. I said well sometimes they use a gun, or they might try to strangle a child, because they are so little they can't fight back. (I know what your thinking--a pretty heavy conversation--but we did want them to know, and have a fear in them about strangers) Then Drew spoke up again, after thinking about I had told them, and he said "I know how a stranger would try to kill a child",they would just give them a cigarette!" David and I just looked at each other and started rolling! To explain our children to you, in our home, Jake is the logical thinker. He takes everything to heart, and is pretty quiet. He is trustworthy, and very territorial. He is good at anything he sets his mind to do. Tate is our child who is extremely particular. He likes his toys, clothes, books, have their own place. He is my laundry sorter, he empties the dishwasher for me everyday, and loves that I purchased a new 10 slot silverware organizer for the kitchen. He is a boy after my own heart! The there's Drew--Oh Drew--how we need him in this home. He is our comedian, our lover, our complimentor--the list can go on, and on. He is like a warm cuddly blanket on a cold day. I love that the Lord has given us such different personalities in our boys. I know He knows exactly what Dave and I need in our life. I have said to David at times--"Can you believe that we are the lucky ones, who get to raise these three wonderful boys!" As you know there are times when I am pulling my hair out---asking Calgone (sp?) to take me away. It is a crazy life, but it is our life, and I am so thankful for it. I have learned over the years that when raising boys, you have to have a patient spirit (which I am working on) and lots of understanding. (Oh and LOTS of food) I'm pretty sure that I will need to get a job, just to feed these crazy wonderful boys! Well I need to go--Drew just informed me that his brothers were out skating on the pond--he said "you know it's freezing out there!"

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