Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kite Strings.....

Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday I was bringing my baby boys home from the hospital. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and now Jake is 9, Drew is 7, and Tate is 5. I have always felt so blessed to have had the blessing of being a stay at home mom, and this past week I was reminded just how precious my time at home was raising my three little boys. Tate has had a cough for quite some time, and last Friday I decided to let him stay home and rest. He had not slept well the evening before, and so I decided we could cuddle and read together all day long. Throughout the day, though, my daily duties did take some of my time, but not from him. Tate is my little helper. He used to shadow me all day long, and if I needed help with anything, from laundry to dishes, he was there eager to help. Friday, however, since he was not feeling well, he would just follow me from room to room wanting to be right where I was all day, and right under my feet. I had remembered that he was just like that last year, and I recall saying numerous times throughout the day, for him to find something to play because I would trip over him constantly. Friday was no different. He was right under my feet, but this time I didn't say a word. I realized how much I missed him being right there with me, and I relished the moments we had together that day. I know your not supposed to thank the Lord when your child is not feeling well--but Friday, I did. I thanked Him that He had given me the opportunity to stay at home with my boys. To all those working moms out there--I don't know how you do it! You are amazing!!! As a friend of mine said..."The working mom gig is tough!" I thanked Him for all of the moments that I could "trip" over my boys because they wanted to be so close to me. My boys are growing so fast, and this morning I heard James Dobson on the radio talking about how our children are like kites. They want to soar high, but as parents we want to hang on to the kite strings as long as we can. He talked about how as parents we need to be able to let the string out ever so slowly and let the Lord guide them in their flight. I shed so many tears Friday thinking about how hard it is to let them grow up, and let out the strings little by little. I am so thankful that I don't have to let go, I just need to pass the strings to the Lord, and let Him guide them, as I set back and watch their beautiful flight, encouraging and teaching them along the way.

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