Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My noisy house.......

Well, as Christmas is rapidly approaching...I can honestly say that I am ready. I have all the packages wrapped, the goodies baked for all our family and friends, and I at this moment have all three of my boys down for a nap. I don't think that my house has been this quiet for at least 7 years! Isn't funny that before you have children-you never really appreciate the quiet times you had. I am the mother of three very energetic boys, so finding that quiet zone in my life is hard. My youngest Tate has a voice that could shake the mountains. Even when he is trying to be quiet-you could still hear him a mile away. My son Jake on the other hand is quiet spoken--but he has the energy of 10 children. He is always moving. He makes me tired just watching him sleep! And last but certainly not least, my middle child Drew. He is pretty easy going most of the time--but when he gets his feathers ruffled--LOOK OUT. Today, I think he has made a new Wheeler household record of crying about being hurt at least 12 times. I am not kidding. There are days that I think...why did God choose me to raise these three wonderfully crazy boys? Me a person who loves quiet. Who enjoys a good book, and the occasional nap. God promises us that He will not give us more than we can handle....right. So why do I at times feel like I am just barely making it. It's because on my own, I could never make it. But with God's help, I can be victorious! So bring on the muddy shoes, the grass stained knees, the energetic 9 year old, the whiny 7 year old, and the not so quiet 5 year old! I am armed and ready. You know all of the things that seem hard now in my life...will be the things that I most certainly will miss the most when my boys are grown, my house is quiet again, and they are out on their own living the life God has planned. Thank you lord for my noisy house!

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